Chapter: Comics
I’ve added some Facebook ‘like’ buttons and similar to the site. So if you do happen to enjoy any particular comics from the archive, why not make sure Mark Zuckerberg’s omniscient not-at-all-evil-honest database knows about that? He’d really appreciate it.
Nuts don’t get screwed, they get bolt’d. And bolts don’t have pointy tips.
I’m pretty sure I got the talking thing bang on however. 🙂
luke i love you
If you’re going to be inconsistent, you should be consistently inconsistent.
Well, if he’s going to be inconsistently inconsistent, by what you say, he should be consistently inconsistently inconsistent and make no effort to improve the consistency of his inconsistency…
or something
Jimi is entirely right. To summarise:
Those who choose to be inconsistently inconsistent should at least be consistently inconsistently inconsistent by consistently being inconsistently inconsistent instead of inconsistently consistently inconsistent, because that would mess up the consistency of their inconsistent inconsistency.
No really, it makes sense, I promise!
They aint screwed yet — but it looks like they’re going to be…
And even if they are bolts, I “screw” them in even if the procedure is slightly different. I don’t “bolt” them them in.
8-sided nuts?
Thats new!
I’m guessing it’s becoming painfully obvious to all I have the DIY acumen of an apoplectic anaemic amoeba.
That’s three comics about hardware in the last three months. Impressive.
This is mostly because there’s a broken coat hanger by my front door that’s been taunting me for my lack of ability to fix it to the wall. The comics are a reaction to that..
*we’re gonna be screwed
Talking hardware? That’s nuts!
All these puns. Must. Resist. Urrrgh.