The coding of this site requires me to write something here, but I have nothing to say.
How are you?
[NOTE: Apparently Cyanide and Happiness has done this one already]
The coding of this site requires me to write something here, but I have nothing to say.
How are you?
[NOTE: Apparently Cyanide and Happiness has done this one already]
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“Curiosity killed the cat,
But the knowledge it learned brought it back,
And that’s why the cat has nine lives.”
People only remember the first four words. But I got curious and tried to find the whole phrase.
And yes, my name is actually George.
You’re not a monkey by any chance?
I am fine, thank you for asking
how about you?
Something must be in the water on both sides of the Pond, because today’s shirt over at woot.com has a similar theme….
Why was he monkeying around with that cat? Also, if you’d done this strip as a commission, you could have made half a grand!