Graph lovers can now get Losing the Plot, my mini maths-based comic, from the Luke Surl Comics store.
Posts Tagged Math
24 results.
Chapter: Comics
Chapter: Comics
Hello to any new readers who I may have met at Comica yesterday! You are most welcome (for a 6-month probationary period)
Chapter: Comics
So this Saturday (21st April) I will be at the Comiket festival at the Bishopsgate Institute in London. Come along and say ‘hi’/shout at me for doing cartoons on obscure corners of mathematics.
Chapter: Comics
As mentioned in the blog post, no comics next week, they’ll return Monday 7th November. Oh, and if you want the maths:
Chapter: Comics
According to my not particularly well kept system of tags, this is comic #19 about maths. Well, the Lord did say ‘Go forth and multiply’.
Chapter: Comics
Americans! “Maths” is what we say when you say “math”, like how we say “no, seriously, this is a joke, right?” when you say “Sarah Palin”.