The pun is on the word principle. The pauli exclusion principle is, as mentioned above, applicable to the quantum states of electrons. The “exclusion princiPAL” (caps for emphasis) would apparently be the man in charge at Wolfgang’s school, as a principal is at a high school. He is “excluding” Wolfgang from the school. Pun explained. Joke ruined. Happy?
I can get my head around the big picture of this strip, but the details are much more confusing.
I absolutely have no idea what it references, but I’m still finding it funny
pauli exclusion principal - no two electrons in an atom can have the same 4 quantum numbers
The pun is on the word principle. The pauli exclusion principle is, as mentioned above, applicable to the quantum states of electrons. The “exclusion princiPAL” (caps for emphasis) would apparently be the man in charge at Wolfgang’s school, as a principal is at a high school. He is “excluding” Wolfgang from the school. Pun explained. Joke ruined. Happy?
Speaking of which, are the appearance and manner of the principal intentionally American, to make him distinct from the pauli exclusion headmaster?
oops, just lost the Game.
I forfeited the game long ago.