Chapter: Comics
Today’s wonderful Guest Artist is Jason Burgess of the comic Daily Wisdom which is more fun than you can shake a stick at.
Today’s wonderful Guest Artist is Jason Burgess of the comic Daily Wisdom which is more fun than you can shake a stick at.
Today’s wonderful Guest Artist is Jason Burgess of the comic Daily Wisdom which is more fun than you can shake a stick at.
hehe that’s awesome
If it’s not a Matrix reference, why are they dressed all in black?!
They’re actually wearing bright coloured clothing. It’s just hard to tell because they’re stick figures. It’s also near impossible to draw fat stick figures. (Luke, I added the extra letter in color just for you.)
But stick figures are so accurate! D= I’ve been betrayed by artwork!
My dear Luke, these cartoons are becoming pretty introspective.
You know how some people say lol but they didn’t actually lol, they just said they did, because it’s the internet and no one would know? Well I literally lol’d when I read this comic. You could say I llol’d. That extra “L” is for literally.
what I want to know is why does she have a beard?
I laughed so hard in my face, yes literally in my face since I’m at work and not supposed to be browsing around comic sites. I laughed so hard i’m currently reaching for a tissue! awesomeness!
That’s cool but they made this joke on 30 rock last week.
Crazy! We don’t have 30 Rock here in the UK, and I sent the comic’s script to Jason a few weeks ago. Great minds think alike? Or fools never differ?
HAHAAHAHA that’s great!
I saw the episode of 30 rock as well but the jokes more effective in comic form
Haha, yeah you’re definitely not ready if you immediately think of the Matrix.
Am I the only one who thought Star Wars instead of Matrix?
Matrix? Nah
Star Wars? Yep
If you thought it was a Star Wars reference, that means you’ll never even make it that far.
yeah, whats up with the beards?
actually star wars came to mind…
what does it say about me that I immediately thought it was a Star Wars reference? :-/
i think this almost made me think about love, but then luke came and thought of starwars, then i thought about a gal friend of mine, THEN I thought about the joke, and at last, I got the reference from the matrix…
yep. thought about Star Wars. must be because of the name “Luke”, lol.
hahaha i love your comics =D
didn’t anyone think highlander - there can be only one….?
… I read the boxed text first, I don’t even KNOW what that means.
I think its from Grease…
Yup, Grease.
For Youtubians:
For those of us without infinite high-speed intertubes, lyrics:
500 Days of Summer, no?
@ helene: hah hah, awesome. No I hadn’t, but thank-you for enlightening me!
LOL, awesome!
Someone has been reading too much XKCD
I thought the “that was a Matrix reference” line was a maths reference at first rather than a reference to the film. What does that mean?