Hey all,

Knowing my love of puns, Andrew of Peebles Lab (of great cartoons such as this) and Rob “Red” McDonald were kind enough to send me this:

Neat huh?

In other news, there’s a new comics magazine in Oxford starting up. I’ve been asked to put together four A4 pages. Anyone like to suggest which comics I should submit?

More other news, I should mention that for a little while now I’ve been part of the Webcomics Company podcast - every other week Zoë, other Luke, James and I talk about some aspect of making and running webcomics. Could be of interest to those of you who do this comicing lark.

And final other news, I’m trying to set up a system whereby readers can submit transcription and translations of the comics. I’d like to test it a bit before a full public rollout. Anyone keen? Let me know if you’re interested.

Have fun,
