That’s about all The Messiah would do to put this country first when he’s annoited.
Rofl!!1 HAHAHA, OMG It didnt take long at all did it for the obama jokes to go round!
Who cares if it was photoshopped anyway? Whether it is or isn’t, it was still a funny comic, and it was awesome!
@Lifon: Lern 2 sarcasm
Well its official. You have enough readers to have fringes.
“Privileges”, not “priviliges”.
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That’s about all The Messiah would do to put this country first when he’s annoited.
Rofl!!1 HAHAHA, OMG It didnt take long at all did it for the obama jokes to go round!
Who cares if it was photoshopped anyway? Whether it is or isn’t, it was still a funny comic, and it was awesome!
@Lifon: Lern 2 sarcasm
Well its official. You have enough readers to have fringes.
“Privileges”, not “priviliges”.