I used the word “check” (US English) instead of “cheque” (correct English) above. Though I’m somewhat ashamed, it was totally worth it for all that time I saved writing only five letters instead of six.
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Boom! Welfare check!
…oops, it was a wolf. Now PETA guys will eat me alive.
Wolfware check?
Check…. You should be more than “somewhat ashamed”
. What’s the world coming to if we can’t rely on cantabs to uphold the Queen’s English?
uuuhhhhh… Shouldn’t it be called old english now, seeing how its the oldest english form in use (not to be confused with olde english)?
Heh… British people… But q’s are so much fun!
Quite Quarreling Quint questions Quiet-Quip Quentin! In the quay queue, no less!