This is, of course, in total homage to the, now completed, One Million Giraffes Project, which you should totally check out.
This is, of course, in total homage to the, now completed, One Million Giraffes Project, which you should totally check out.
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Some of those are awesome.
Girathulu is fantastically nightmarish.
Giraffethulu (Girathulu) haunts my dreams
Iä Iä!
By my reckoning this comic cost you £3.80. Bargain!
yay! my one barber chop giraffe is there!
Some excellent results. A varied and clever bunch of giraffes indeed! Well worth it.
OMG! me and my boyfriends (the superman giraffe one) is on thereeee >< i was suprised to see them here
that was sucha fun day <3
and the “his name is alex, hes cool but you just dont know it yet” is mine
I approve of Cthulhu giraffe