Hi all,
So this is the project I was talking about a few days ago: Alternatives to the Fail Whale it’s going to run on the www.lukesurl.com/alternatives subdomain once a weekday over the next 4 weeks till we get to Z. The comic for ‘G’ is already up there now, why not go and have a look? (People not familiar with a Fail Whale - see here)
A few points:

  • I hope you like this project, but if not, the mainsite comics will be back on the 26th of July.
  • If you are an RSS subscriber your RSS reader will not automatically pick up the ‘Alternatives’ comics. They have their own, shiny new RSS feed.
  • These comics were created in a 24-hour comic event (start at 9am, finish at 9am). The enforced speed and lack of sleep of such an event means that these are a little rougher and less detailed than my usual stuff.
  • Although I’m giving myself a month’s ‘holiday’ I doubt I’ll be able to stay away from doodling for long. Check back here occasionally (or keep an eye on the RSS feed) for the occasional sketching.



P.S. If you want an email reminder when the mainsite comics return, send a blank email to reminder [at] lukesurl [dot] com