Eagle-eyed readers will notice that we’ve skipped from comic 308 to 310. However (unlike the last time I did this) this is not a mistake, rather comic 309 was released as a ‘bonus’ on Monday afternoon exclusively for Twitter followers and Facebook fans. If you’re not in either of these camps then you’re missing out on similar occasional bonus comics and more.

At you have me wittering on about various things, usually trying to be funny. I also post links to each new comic on here. Plus, when a comic from my slightly worryingly large reading list (about 75 comics at present) is particularly good I’ll let you know.

The Facebook page is a bit of a quieter affair. Apart from the aforementioned bonus comics I don’t write much there, but a funky automated thingy means that Facebook fans get a notification in their news feed whenever new content is on this site.

Cheers guys, and thanks to everyone who re-tweets, ‘likes’ or shares my cartoons on all the social networking sites. It really means a lot and helps the comic loads.



P.S. Nods must go to the dudes who posted up the Large Wind Spill caption. I discovered this joke pretty much as the ink was drying on my page.