Don’t! Stop me now… I’m havin’ such a good time I’m havin’ a ball!
LOL. Sounds pretty much like a strategy government think tanks tend to come up with these days…
A politician in Australia about 10 years ago decided that printing more money was the solution to the recession we were having at the time. Luckily Australians are smarter than their politicians so she didn’t get very far in politics.
the earth is cooling and not warming
… What?
Haha, the alt txt is funny because that would actually increase the overall temperature:
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Don’t! Stop me now…
I’m havin’ such a good time
I’m havin’ a ball!
LOL. Sounds pretty much like a strategy government think tanks tend to come up with these days…
A politician in Australia about 10 years ago decided that printing more money was the solution to the recession we were having at the time. Luckily Australians are smarter than their politicians so she didn’t get very far in politics.
the earth is cooling and not warming
Haha, the alt txt is funny because that would actually increase the overall temperature: