That is, assuming they are capable of experiencing pain and not just, for the riddle’s sake, only capable of responding to your question before turning to stone, shutting down, or whatever.
This answer always confused because of variable(memory) (unless you always make the lying one answer first).
This might be hard to explain, but I will try.
In programming you make variables called Person1 and Person2. Then ask the question. If Person1 is the truthful one and says right, then it is recorded in the variable. When Person2, who lies, looks at the answer recorded for Person1 and will say the opposite, left, and record that in the variable. Hence it will have opposite answers like any other question.
However, I guess you can assume and make the variables constants, therefore solving the variable problem. This means you would have to question them without them know what the other person has said currently (like in different rooms), or not have them pay attention to the other person’s answer. Though if they are apart they would have to assume what the other person would say.
Lovely. I’ve always liked that puzzle. See
Though I never imagine I’ll grasp it entirely.
… me too
Easy, just ask one if his route is safe. After he answers, shoot him in the foot, then note their responses.
heh I know where you got that from
buh? “ouch” neither qualifies as lie, nor as truth…
“He shot you/me in the foot!” “No, he didn’t!”.
That is, assuming they are capable of experiencing pain and not just, for the riddle’s sake, only capable of responding to your question before turning to stone, shutting down, or whatever.
Haha, the Corporaco logo is on his sheild
This answer always confused because of variable(memory) (unless you always make the lying one answer first).
This might be hard to explain, but I will try.
In programming you make variables called Person1 and Person2. Then ask the question. If Person1 is the truthful one and says right, then it is recorded in the variable. When Person2, who lies, looks at the answer recorded for Person1 and will say the opposite, left, and record that in the variable. Hence it will have opposite answers like any other question.
However, I guess you can assume and make the variables constants, therefore solving the variable problem. This means you would have to question them without them know what the other person has said currently (like in different rooms), or not have them pay attention to the other person’s answer. Though if they are apart they would have to assume what the other person would say.
*sigh* I think too much sometimes…
A slight variation: