
Right I’ve finally found a place in Oxford with free wi-fi (that isn’t Mc Donalds). Here’s a few things I should have blogged about earlier:

1) You can now use Archive Binge to manage reading through the whole arhives of the comic. It looks pretty cool, and if you’re fairly new to the site, might be a good way to catch up.

2) A dude at Duquense University paper did a piece on webcomics, and yours truely makes a small appearance. Isn’t that nice?

3) DJ Bogtrotter did a comic spinning off from one of the recent ‘toons here. Check it out!

Right, that’s all from me now. Having to buy more and more coffee to justify being in this wi-fi enabled café and the caffine is getting to me.



P.S. Any cartoonists in Oxford? I’m thinking of joining/starting a comics drawing group like I did in Cambridge. Get in touch!

P.P.S. Can someone in 100m of my new flat PLEASE set their wireless network to “unsecured”, a geek can only survive so long!