
As you may have noticed, the site’s been pretty jerky over the last 24 hours. Essentially there was a big spike in traffic that gave the server a bit of a migrane and bad stuff happened (I’m not sure if it’s connected to the downtime we had earlier in the week or not). I’ve been working at fixing this (read: screaming loudly at the laptop screen). It’s a little tricky, as when the site goes down for you it also goes down for me making it nearly impossible to do any maintenance. But my hosting service (Dreamhost) have been pretty good, providing a temporary private server and stuff, and we’re working on getting the problem sorted.

For up-to the minute reports on what is happening, please see my Twitter. Hopefully everything should be sorted in time for Friday’s update. In the meantime, why not read Basketcase Comics or Last Place Comics?

Thanks for your patience,
