Hey all,

At 7.30pm each night at the Camden Roundhouse, Thursday 13th thru Sunday 16th of this month I will be performing in ‘The Golem’, a very cool play adapted from the novel by Gustav Meyrink (no, I’d never heard of him either). Rehearsals have been going pretty well, and it’s shaping up to be a rather good show. Maybe if you are somewhere ’round London at the time you might be interested? Full details including how to book tickets, can be found on this website.

As a result of this and the final rehearsals beforehand, I’m going to have limited Internet access over the next week or so. Comics are scheduled into the sever and the site will update as normal, but I’ll probably be slow to respond to any emails / comments. While I’m away, the site will be kept in order and spam-free under the stewardship if the wonderful Wendy Wood of www.gilbertandgrim.com. Make sure you’re all on your best behaviour, I don’t want to hear any stories of mischief when I get back :P

Talking of comics and drama, most-famous-person-I-know Emma Vieceli‘s Manga Shakespeare title Much Ado about Nothing has recently hit the shelves in the States - and can still be found in any good bookshop here in the UK. I would thoroughly recommend getting your hands on a copy post haste, indeed my typing of this blog entry has actually been greatly slowed by me continually dipping back into the book.

See you soon!
