Registered on Tuesday the 1st of Jul, 2008


Posts by Luke (648) ¬

  1. Mar 30, 2024137 – I know how low Dr. No can go
    Mar 27, 2024136 - Have you met Rick? Don’t be Shy(lock)
    Mar 26, 2024Blog: UK OK?
    Mar 25, 2024135 - The gravity of the situation
    Mar 23, 2024134 – Being frugal with my Google perusal
    Mar 20, 2024133 – At my Beckett and call
    Mar 18, 2024132 - Hedging my bets
    Mar 16, 2024131 - Perfect pitch?
    Mar 13, 2024Blog: Psychoanalysis (Bonus Comic)
    Mar 13, 2024130 – Doom with a view
    Mar 11, 2024129 – You rock my world
    Mar 9, 2024128 - Super Magritte Bros.
    Mar 6, 2024127 – A date with destiny
    Mar 5, 2024Blog: Déjà vu?
    Mar 5, 2024126 – The shortest way to a man’s heart
    Mar 4, 2024125 - A point of contention
    Mar 2, 2024124 – How J-Lo can you go?
    Feb 28, 2024Blog: Linkin’ Park
    Feb 27, 2024123 - Oyster? I hardly know ‘er!
    Feb 25, 2024122 - X-rated pawn
    Feb 23, 2024121 - All’s Pharaoh in love and fraud
    Feb 22, 2024Blog: And on your right…
    Feb 20, 2024120 – Great Expectations
    Feb 18, 2024119 - Fairy, fairy, quite contrary
    Feb 16, 2024118 – You can stimulate my package baby…
    Feb 13, 2024117 - Promises Promises
    Feb 11, 2024Blog: Oh my darling, oh my darling…
    Feb 11, 2024116 - Comic Swap with!
    Feb 9, 2024115 - Coffin fit
    Feb 6, 2024114 – Hope on the ropes
    Feb 4, 2024Blog: Tweet speak
    Feb 4, 2024113 - Till death do us part
    Feb 2, 2024112 – Road Punner
    Jan 30, 2024111 - Annus horribilis
    Jan 28, 2024Blog: Review!
    Jan 28, 2024110 – Cautionary tails
    Jan 26, 2024Blog: Some cool things
    Jan 26, 2024109 – Third is the word
    Jan 24, 2024108b - And Venn there were pun
    Jan 23, 2024108a - Pie in the sky
    Jan 22, 2024Blog: Something a little different
    Jan 21, 2024107 - The Great White Dope
    Jan 19, 2024Blog: Newish Look
    Jan 19, 2024106 - How Refreshing
    Jan 16, 2024105 – A sign of the times
    Jan 14, 2024104 – Egg-citement!
    Jan 12, 2024103 - They(apostrophe)re Grrrreat!
    Jan 9, 2024102 - Game for a graph?
    Jan 7, 2024101 - Let’s Party like it’s 1929
    Jan 5, 2024100 – Spoilt for (multiple) choice
    Jan 2, 2024099 – I do Proclaim!
    Dec 31, 2023098 - Love is in the gut
    Dec 24, 2023097 - On a one horse open getaway car
    Dec 22, 2023096 - Lord of the (five gold) rings
    Dec 19, 2023095 – Planet of the Japes
    Dec 17, 2023094 - A high calibre comic
    Dec 15, 2023093 - The OZ-rigin of the species
    Dec 12, 2023093 – How do you defuse a situation like Maria?
    Dec 10, 2023092 - Hare today…
    Dec 8, 2023091 - The light of my life
    Dec 5, 2023090 - This comic is a scream
    Dec 3, 2023089 - Soul Searching
    Dec 1, 2023088 – Come rain or shine
    Nov 28, 2023087 - “Shall not the judge of the earth do right?”
    Nov 26, 2023086 - Do not collect £200
    Nov 24, 2023085 - Pulling Power
    Nov 21, 2023084 - A sham to damn a lamb?
    Nov 19, 2023083 – Infinite Crisis
    Nov 17, 2023082 - One of them’s a genius — but which one?
    Nov 14, 2023081 – Double Trouble
    Nov 12, 2023080 - Just not my type
    Nov 10, 2023079 – The Polylaugh test
    Nov 7, 2023078 – Guest Comic from!
    Nov 3, 2023076 – What the Dickens?
    Oct 31, 2023075 – Happ¥ Ha££ow€€n!
    Oct 29, 2023074 - Fight or fright
    Oct 27, 2023073 – Edits we can can believe in
    Oct 24, 2023072 – Dinosaur Comic
    Oct 22, 2023071 – Hail to the cheat
    Oct 20, 2023070 – Have you got the balls?
    Oct 17, 2023069 – Ready, or not, here I come!
    Oct 15, 2023068 - Yo-Ho-Ho and a bottle of pun
    Oct 13, 2023067 - Pingus Pongus
    Oct 10, 2023066 - The facts of life
    Oct 8, 2023065 - The appliance of science
    Oct 6, 2023064 – Fair’s fair
    Oct 3, 2023063 - That Sinking Feeling
    Oct 1, 2023062 – In the Garden of Eden honey
    Sep 29, 2023061 – I’ve got one hand in my pocket…
    Sep 26, 2023060 - Up in cinders
    Sep 24, 2023059 – Pyrex of the Caribbean
    Sep 22, 2023058 – Finite Simple Group (of Order Two)
    Sep 19, 2023057 – Reality TV vs. the Second Commandment
    Sep 17, 2024056 - It’s a kind of magic
    Sep 15, 2024055 - It’s the mob’s job to rob Bob
    Sep 12, 2024054 – Always the last place you look…
    Sep 11, 2024053 - I’ve got a case of the blue[print]s
    Sep 9, 2024051 – It’s always Moan Moan Mona…
    Sep 8, 2024050 - I spy with my little eye
    Sep 5, 2024049 – The descent of man
    Sep 4, 2024048 - To zombie or not to zombie
    Sep 3, 2024047 – In West Philadelphia
    Sep 2, 2024046 – I have a confession to make
    Sep 1, 2024045 - Testing times
    Aug 29, 2024044 - To infinity, and beyond!
    Aug 28, 2024043 – The shortest way to a man’s heart?
    Aug 27, 2024042 - Seasonal Affective Disorder
    Aug 26, 2024041 - Who’s counting?
    Aug 25, 2024040 - Somewhere over the rainbow
    Aug 22, 2024039 - The fruit of my labours
    Aug 21, 2024038 - On reflection…
    Aug 20, 2024037 – Searching high and low
    Aug 19, 2024036 - Someone’s at FAULT here (it’s a geology joke)
    Aug 18, 2024035 – Straight to the point
    Aug 15, 2024034 - A whale in scale
    Aug 14, 2024033 – I’m singing in the…
    Aug 13, 2024032 - Down where its better, down where it’s wetter…
    Aug 12, 2024031 – The rain on brains falls mainly on the sane
    Aug 11, 2024030 – *U*niversal *S*tone *B*yte
    Aug 8, 2024029 - Sticks and stones may break my bones
    Aug 7, 2024028 – Follow your dreams
    Aug 6, 2024027 – Silence of the lam
    Aug 5, 2024026 – There’s certainly some chemistry going on
    Aug 4, 2024025 – This time it’s biblical
    Aug 1, 2024024 – The best years of my life?
    Jul 31, 2024023 - I’d Snook her. High Five!
    Jul 30, 2024022 – Distress dismissing dissidents
    Jul 29, 2024021 - Commander in sleep
    Jul 28, 2024020 – Kidney moans
    Jul 25, 2024019 - Uses of the dark arts for school projects comic #1
    Jul 24, 2024018 - Shake it like a Polaroid picture
    Jul 23, 2024017 - Fantastic flaw
    Jul 22, 2024016 - Statistically plausible greetings card #1
    Jul 21, 2024015 – New Math
    Jul 18, 2024014 - Wherefore art thou suck a dork?
    Jul 17, 2024013 - As You Like Wit
    Jul 16, 2024012 - I thought that love was only true in physics books
    Jul 15, 2024011 - Every penny counts (to a negligible degree)
    Jul 14, 2024010 - Poor fellow that mellow Orthello
    Jul 11, 2024009 - I think I’m turning Japanese, I really think so
    Jul 10, 2024008 - It doesn’t matter if you’re black or white
    Jul 9, 2024007 - I should have made this spy themed really…
    Jul 8, 2024006 - Truth hurts
    Jul 7, 2024005 - A crushing defeat
    Jul 4, 2024004 - Love is in the air; the EPA have been notified.
    Jul 3, 2024003 - You’re in for a big surprise…
    Jul 2, 2024002 - Hamlet on the internet? More like “Spamlet”
    Jul 1, 2024001 – The beginning, a very good place to start
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